This might be the death of me :)
So after much searching through airlines and lining up timing, I've decided to leave Jamaica on Dec 31st, overnight in London then arrive in N'Djamena, Chad on the 2nd of January, 2010. That means I have a little over a month left! And Christmas is almost here too. :) I've been learning french...Remy on youtube was great, but I needed to speed things up a bit. The Lord provided someone that lives walking distance away to do french classes with me for free. I am very grateful for the classes, but I was also reminded why I didn't do french in CXC! Lol. But I must keep pressing. I've been so encouraged by the persons that have volunteered to support me in prayer and financially. It has been suggested to me to actually have persons meeting to pray, so I'll have to consider it and try to get that organised before I go. I've worked on a budget and I was surprised to find that the plane ticket works out to more than half of the total expenses! I should have expecte...