The Belly :)
Since Wednesday, I’ve had diarrhoea. I’ve had to explain (in an attempt at diagnosis) the colour, smell, consistency, frequency, volume and sounds it’s made! In the past, I’ve try to pee quietly, so no one would know what I was doing. So this was quite unusual to do personally, but quite normal here when self diagnosis is the only option you have, even for serious illnesses. Deductions were made; I was medicated for Amoebas, but my tummy or God didn’t want any of it, and it came right back out with the two tablespoons of rice I made myself eat that day. And so the diarrhoea continued. We were to travel back to the capital on Thursday. Wednesday was very busy with packing and people coming to greet and wish us bon voyage. Some of my friends from the church stopped by. It was nice, but difficult to stay long. One of the guys made me a little dress! It was just about at my knees, and he explained (using hand signals) that it was for sleeping in, that’s why it was so short. I did feel a ...