The Lord's Doing - One Year Later
One year ago, today, I said my wedding vows and we laughed and didn't eat a drop of food. It wasn't a Monday tho :) And the more I look around and see 'so much trouble in the world', I realise that we haven't lasted a year because Mario is a great man of God nor because I've had wonderful family upbringing. It really has very little to do with who we are, because all our righteous acts will still amount to filthy rags (1) . No, this year's milestone is here because of God. I found out today about another young married couple that isn't together any more. I think about people that have gotten pregnant outside of wedlock (not always by choice) and the shame that goes along with it. I think of death robbing people of their one year anniversaries. And I think...this is really not about me or any great strength I had that kept my pants on, or kept my husband alive and faithful. So what about the good things that I have done? It is not I, but Christ that ...