
Showing posts from May, 2012

Throwing Tantrums

I threw a small...well, medium sized tantrum at God last week. It’s only in looking back that I can admit that it was a tantrum. I’ve seen (on Tv) the little kids rolling on the floor in the supermarket aisles, screaming at their parents because they aern’t being given what they want from the shelves. I suppose, from the child’s point of view, they believe their parents are not really thinking straight and don’t see how important that snack is to them, and how much they really need it. What’s totally gone from the child’s mind is that the parent really does love them above anything else, and has probably made numerous sacrifices to provide for their needs. The time is drawing nigh for my child to be born. On a tangent...yesterday was mother’s day, and I was slightly disappointed for not being recognised for the mother that I am and have been for the last 8 months. I have been protecting, and feeding my child, and sacrificing my own needs and comforts so his can be met. Was it a co...