Rock-a-bye Baby
It's 9:30am. Judah is down for his morning nap. At 9 am, he walked away from where he was playing and tried to climb into my lap. He was tired and I normally put him to sleep by putting him up on my shoulder while sitting in the rocking chair, so it was logical for him to try to get up to me when he was sleepy. Though this isn't the usual thing (I normally chase him down and take him with me to the rocking chair), it isn't surprising. I have a schedule for Judah, but he came up with him. I know his naptime is 9am only because I see him behaving sleepy or, like this morning, he comes to me wanting rest. He is 14 months old now, and I often wonder if I should keep trying to sleep train him, so that instead of falling asleep in my arms, he'll fall asleep in the crib. When I was a teenager, imagining what it would be like to be a mother, there were two things I really wanted to experience: feeling a baby kick in my tummy and having a baby fall asleep in my arms. But ...