Train up a Toddler
In becoming a parent, I knew it was my responsibility (and not the church’s) to train my child and teach him about the Lord. I did the usual books, Google searches and talking to people. I found many great suggestions, but it was difficult to find a step by step practical guide. So I thought I’d share what I’ve pieced together so far. Year by Year The Voddie Baucham sermon 'The importance of Biblically disciplining children' got me excited with his breakdown by age. In summary, for the first 3 years, you are focusing on obedience, so that you can prepare the children to learn from you. Then, secondly, whenever they begin to talk they will be learning the facts of the Faith. This is done through memorizing Scripture, catechisms and songs. And thirdly, when the children are about 12 years old, true discipleship begins as you are able to walk with your children through life experiences. We have been able to start the first two phases with Judah (he turns 4 later...