In the Spirit of Kathleen
Sometimes it feels like the Women that are celebrated (even on days like international women's Day) are the ones that do a 'man's job'; things traditionally done by men. But the jobs that were traditionally done by women are treated like things that are holding us back from truly being successful. My grandmother died this morning. My husband was commissioned to be the National Director of IS/IVCF Barbados this morning. My job is to be like my grandmother in supporting my husband's new role. I won't be given any medals for doing it. Not here on earth anyways. And even though I know this is a noble job, a most important one, my flesh does still think of success in a primitive way (read "pay cheque"). But aren't we all just tools in our Maker's hands? Aren't we simply hammers to be taken up to build whatever God wants. Why should I expect a hammer to be celebrated. I want my heart to understand that, and to be grateful for being used at all. ...