2023 and I'm Still Here
I've had too many things floating around my head to write a single post on a single topic. Or I get too rambly. So here's a general life update and a few thoughts. It's the beginning of 2023. I'm a totally different and new person to any I have known before. I've lived through a trauma and I'm getting to see how it has shaped me. The part of me that has emotions was turned off for so long that I feel like an infant learning to walk again; Learning to feel. And that, coupled with having a daughter has me exploring this idea of differences between males and females. I want to rejoice in the true and beautiful difference that a daughter is from a son. Especially in a world that wants to make it seem like there is no difference. But it is not true, and so I'm on a journey too of self discovery on what makes me, as a woman, unique from the other half of humanity. That, I am excited about learning! So far, I think there's a great mystery in hormones! I had t...