My Take On Homosexuality
Homosexuality is a sin. (Romans 1: 24-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9). Disobedience to parents is a sin (Romans 1:30). Having that second helping of cake is a sin (Greedy of 1 Cor 6:10). The problem isn't homosexuality, the problem is that we don’t understand how serious sin is, so we pick on things that we feel have great consequence to us and our little boxes. So we make a whole lot of noise about HIV and unwanted pregnancies, instead of sin. The world has responded with condoms and abortions. But the stable commitment of living together and before marriage (i.e sin) goes on. Sin isn't a big deal because of its consequences to us. Sin is a big deal because is like a drunk beggar spitting into the face of her majesty the Queen. Drunk beggars spit. That’s a given. But the fact that it was her majesty is what makes it such an ignominy! Maybe we don’t really understand who God is, so we try to make the obvious bad behaviour of a drunk seem…bad. All sin is horrid and must...