My Take On Homosexuality
is a sin. (Romans 1: 24-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9). Disobedience to parents is a
sin (Romans 1:30). Having that second helping of cake is a sin (Greedy of 1 Cor
6:10). The problem isn't homosexuality, the problem is that we don’t understand
how serious sin is, so we pick on things that we feel have great consequence to
us and our little boxes. So we make a whole lot of noise about HIV and unwanted
pregnancies, instead of sin. The world has responded with condoms and
abortions. But the stable commitment of living together and before marriage
(i.e sin) goes on.
Sin isn't a big deal because of its consequences to us. Sin is a big deal
because is like a drunk beggar spitting into the face of her majesty the Queen.
Drunk beggars spit. That’s a given. But the fact that it was her majesty is
what makes it such an ignominy! Maybe we don’t really understand who God is, so
we try to make the obvious bad behaviour of a drunk seem…bad. All sin is horrid
and must be dealt with. Not with sticks and stones, but maybe with love. See
Romans 5 for more details.
is wrong. I’m not sure what someone’s sexual behaviour has to do with them
needing some place to live or them needing food.
I do care about what influences my child, when it comes to male vs female behaviour. But very manly men may be gay, and many effeminate men are not. These are difficult waters to navigate, so we can only work on a set foundation. My grounding is this: I, as the parent, am largely responsible for what my child is taught and how he will behave. I have to discuss with him how a real man behaves and dresses, etc. He will have all sorts of negative influences around him that I cannot escape nor fully blame. We all need to turn the Tv off a little more. That poses a much greater risk of temptation and influence to sin than if a gym coach or your next door neighbour was gay.
Nature vs Nurture?
This question comes up as people try to make sin look bad or to try to justify its occurrence. On both sides, these people usually haven’t given much thought to simple Truths of Scripture. Sin is natural to us (think Adam and Eve and see also Psalms 51:5 and Rom 5:12). All of nature has been affected by sin. Have you ever experienced a hurricane? Or tried to weed a garden? That’s nature for you. Something being natural has nothing to do with the question of something being right or wrong.
Homosexuality is therefore perfectly natural and even expected.
What is someone to do if they find themselves (either by nature or nurture) attracted to the same sex then? The same thing they do with all their other inklings to sin. I enjoyed learning to quote 1 Cor 10:13. Every time you think the verse is done, there’s more hope: “There isn't any temptation that you have experienced which is unusual for humans. God, who faithfully keeps his promises, will not allow you to be tempted beyond your power to resist. But when you are tempted, he will also give you the ability to endure the temptation as your way of escape” (GWT)
If homosexuality is your struggle, or the struggle of someone you know, have a look at for practical help.
“The Gospel” really is good news for us sinners; That our wickedness is not held against us. It’s interesting that the one we have offended (Jesus) is not only responsible for forgiving us but also has received the punishment we deserved. We merely repent, which He enables us to do since we couldn't and wouldn't do anyways. What good news!
I believe that there is a ‘gay agenda’. That homosexuality has strategically been placed on the front burner. It has gone beyond mere ‘anti-discrimination’ to a blatant want for everyone to agree and propagate homosexuality as a desirable sexual option. It has been placed in the same field as women’s rights and even the fight for racial equality. With so many laws being changed to reflect this, it is only a matter of time before the Bible is outlawed all together. People are already being charged for hate crimes by simply sharing their opinion (as could easily happen to me by posting this blog). I don’t need to give examples of ‘gay rights’ outweighing ‘religious rights’, a simple Google search can do that. Religion as a whole is taking as serious blow as being archaic and discriminatory. I wonder if this is a fight that make us in the West experience what our brothers and sisters in the East have gone through. Will my worries about the local church disappear with me into an underground church? Will I be forced to home school if I don’t want my child being taught about homosexuality?
We Christians have survived the killing of our Lord, so the 7,000 faithful will still remain no matter what happens next. We must be prepared to stand firm with our loins girted with the Truth (Eph 6). We must love them like Jesus. We must not be afraid. And God will be glorified.
I do care about what influences my child, when it comes to male vs female behaviour. But very manly men may be gay, and many effeminate men are not. These are difficult waters to navigate, so we can only work on a set foundation. My grounding is this: I, as the parent, am largely responsible for what my child is taught and how he will behave. I have to discuss with him how a real man behaves and dresses, etc. He will have all sorts of negative influences around him that I cannot escape nor fully blame. We all need to turn the Tv off a little more. That poses a much greater risk of temptation and influence to sin than if a gym coach or your next door neighbour was gay.
Nature vs Nurture?
This question comes up as people try to make sin look bad or to try to justify its occurrence. On both sides, these people usually haven’t given much thought to simple Truths of Scripture. Sin is natural to us (think Adam and Eve and see also Psalms 51:5 and Rom 5:12). All of nature has been affected by sin. Have you ever experienced a hurricane? Or tried to weed a garden? That’s nature for you. Something being natural has nothing to do with the question of something being right or wrong.
Homosexuality is therefore perfectly natural and even expected.
What is someone to do if they find themselves (either by nature or nurture) attracted to the same sex then? The same thing they do with all their other inklings to sin. I enjoyed learning to quote 1 Cor 10:13. Every time you think the verse is done, there’s more hope: “There isn't any temptation that you have experienced which is unusual for humans. God, who faithfully keeps his promises, will not allow you to be tempted beyond your power to resist. But when you are tempted, he will also give you the ability to endure the temptation as your way of escape” (GWT)
If homosexuality is your struggle, or the struggle of someone you know, have a look at for practical help.
“The Gospel” really is good news for us sinners; That our wickedness is not held against us. It’s interesting that the one we have offended (Jesus) is not only responsible for forgiving us but also has received the punishment we deserved. We merely repent, which He enables us to do since we couldn't and wouldn't do anyways. What good news!
I believe that there is a ‘gay agenda’. That homosexuality has strategically been placed on the front burner. It has gone beyond mere ‘anti-discrimination’ to a blatant want for everyone to agree and propagate homosexuality as a desirable sexual option. It has been placed in the same field as women’s rights and even the fight for racial equality. With so many laws being changed to reflect this, it is only a matter of time before the Bible is outlawed all together. People are already being charged for hate crimes by simply sharing their opinion (as could easily happen to me by posting this blog). I don’t need to give examples of ‘gay rights’ outweighing ‘religious rights’, a simple Google search can do that. Religion as a whole is taking as serious blow as being archaic and discriminatory. I wonder if this is a fight that make us in the West experience what our brothers and sisters in the East have gone through. Will my worries about the local church disappear with me into an underground church? Will I be forced to home school if I don’t want my child being taught about homosexuality?
We Christians have survived the killing of our Lord, so the 7,000 faithful will still remain no matter what happens next. We must be prepared to stand firm with our loins girted with the Truth (Eph 6). We must love them like Jesus. We must not be afraid. And God will be glorified.
Very to the point. A good read. Thanks for sharing Leeca.