
Showing posts from 2014

2 Hands, 1 Mouth

For the last few days, I’ve noticed a series of Facebook updates by ‘The Elpis Centre’ in Trinidad. They needed urgent help with two homeless pregnant women. They had a building, but it wasn’t liveable yet so they were desperately looking for people and building materials so they could help these women as quickly as possible.  According to their FB Page, The Elpis Centre is a non-profit organisation that provides care and support to pregnant women, post abortive women, and their families. I wondered what the law was in Trinidad. Abortions are legal in Barbados. I wondered where the Christians were when this law was passed. I cursed the laid-back Barbadian attitude, where it seemed anything goes. It crossed my mind that a law could be repealed. (The homosexuals in Jamaica are fighting to have the Buggery Law removed now) Should I go do  a one man protest now to have this abortion law removed to save children’s lives? Then I thought of the Elpis Centre again and I realised ...

Going Public

When I found myself pregnant again, one of the big decisions I had to make was where to have the baby. I had heard many horror stories about ‘going public’, and being a non-national, I chose to go to the private hospital, Bayview to deliver my first son. In Barbados, the choices are limited to Bayview Hospital or the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) which has both a public and a private Ward. I’ve also heard of a birthing centre someplace but I don’t know much about it.  Bayview was alright. After experiencing Andrews Memorial Hospital in Jamaica for my sister’s delivery, I wasn’t impressed. And our family income had been reduced, so cost was a bigger factor this time around. QEH’s public ward is free for citizens (which I am not), but the cost to me would be a fraction of the private ward’s fee. I decided to give QEH a try. It would be good for me to learn some patience if the nurses really were as horrible as I’ve been told. And I was convinced that they couldn’t be so n...

But I don’t wanna be Amish!

Mario and I (me and Mario, Mario and me…whatever) were listening to a Voddie Baucham sermon this morning. (Check it out here: ). There were a few places where I had to pause it to properly think through what he was suggesting. I’ve been accused of taking things too seriously, but I don’t know know what else to do when I hear someone say something I agree with, but something that I am not currently doing. So Voddie is talking about not being conformed to the Spirit of this age. Please take a listen, because there’d be too much to say if I went into it. He touches on wanting ‘signs’ or ‘feeling at peace’ about something to decide that it is from God. (it is over an hour long, but he makes excellent points from the very beginning. You’ll want to hear more, and it does’t feel so long after all) He mentioned the movie ‘Oceans 11’ in one of his examples and it really struck me. I love that movie! I enjoyed watching the geniuses at wo...

Why Work?

I like using the title ‘Calvinist’. Not because I follow John Calvin (I actually don’t know that much about the guy), but because Calvinism  does a good job of putting together what the Bible teaches about Grace and Salvation in a simple way: 1. We’re dead because of sin. (Eph 2:1) 2. God chose to save us, not because we did something to deserve being saved. (Rom 8:29-30, 9:11) 3. Salvation is a work that is for God’s chosen people and is already completed (Eph 1:4-6) 4. God’s power really does save us, and we can’t do anything to escape this love. (John 6:37) 5. God doesn’t just save us, he keeps us as well. He finishes what He started. (John 10:27-29) Many people think that this is too easy. That believing Eph 2:8-9 will makes us lazy Christians that go on sinning because we already have a space reserved in heaven. Why do we Christians ‘work’ then, if we don’t need to do it to be saved nor to remain saved? If God is doing all the work, like He says, what’s the poin...