2 Hands, 1 Mouth

For the last few days, I’ve noticed a series of Facebook updates by ‘The Elpis Centre’ in Trinidad. They needed urgent help with two homeless pregnant women. They had a building, but it wasn’t liveable yet so they were desperately looking for people and building materials so they could help these women as quickly as possible. 
According to their FB Page, The Elpis Centre is a non-profit organisation that provides care and support to pregnant women, post abortive women, and their families.
I wondered what the law was in Trinidad. Abortions are legal in Barbados. I wondered where the Christians were when this law was passed. I cursed the laid-back Barbadian attitude, where it seemed anything goes. It crossed my mind that a law could be repealed. (The homosexuals in Jamaica are fighting to have the Buggery Law removed now) Should I go do  a one man protest now to have this abortion law removed to save children’s lives?
Then I thought of the Elpis Centre again and I realised that it didn't matter what the law was. Whether it was legal to kill babies or not, there would still be pregnant women not knowing what to do. And there would still be women having abortions. And those women and children are the ones that need us, regardless of the law. Here was the Elpis Centre responding to the real need, and loving.

There is a dilemma with this Buggery Law. No, I don’t want the law to change then the schools and government telling my child that Homosexuality is Ok. In the very secret corners of my mind, I am afraid that my impressionable children will be influenced. But is that why we as Christians are protesting? Are we standing for Truth or are we actually just looking out for ourselves? And what about the Homosexuals? Are we helping them and loving them? Where are the marches when they are kicked out of their homes? I just wonder if we are being one-sided; if our motives are selfish.

What remains the same regardless of the law? Sin…sinners.
Schools are already telling my children that premarital sex is normal. Society already teaches that the accumulation of money is the real purpose of life.
Whether the law changes or not, I want my children to know (from me and not from the government/school) what sin is, and that the world will tell them things that are not true; that we must renew our minds even if the ‘normal’ seems kool. And that they must love everyone – really love by meeting needs: Are you hungry? Here is food. Food is needed by gay stomachs and by straight stomachs. It is needed by Pastors’ and Prostitutes’ stomachs.

Yes, stand up and let your voice be heard about issues that are important. But let your 2 hands do more than your 1 mouth.


  1. Thanks so much for this article. I really do agree, but I must admit I have not fully subscribed to the "love the sinner and hate the sin" mantra as much as I should've.
    I've often joined in the jeers when a homosexual is "ganged and humiliated", as an expression of my disagreement with the conduct, but this isn't the full love of Christ.
    Looking deeper now, I see my need to reach out more to persons who subscribe to any kind of sin, so that they may see true expressions of the undiscriminating arms of Christ. We must not always seek "justice", but to love JUST as Christ does.

    1. I feel you Kristina. Maybe it is our culture that makes it easier to understand a God of Justice but not a God of Mercy. I am learning how to love as well...


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