
Showing posts from February, 2016

Here I sink

I feel like Peter right now. I was fine, I knew the Lord pretty well. We had a good thing going on. I had Faith. I stepped out and I was walking strong among the doubters. Then I lost it. How on this earth did I start to sink?!? I knew who He was, I saw him calm a storm before, so I knew that this little wind wasn’t an issue. But here I am, still sinking. And I don’t know what to do. What else can I do? I’m saved sanctified, Holy Ghost filled blah blah blah. But here I sink. Most of my doubt has to do with God’s Sovereignty. We got a Christmas gift one year with these words inscribed on it: “Faith is not believing God can, it is knowing that He will.” It boggled my mind then I realized that it was incorrect. Can anybody really say what God WILL do? I mean for things he hasn’t explicitly said. I believe His Word and the promises therein, but I cannot say that God will heal a friend’s unfruitful womb, or save a failing marriage. He thinks children are a blessing and He hates divorce...

A Productive Day

Today has been a productive Day! I may be writing this post to boast a little, because, very often, my days do not feel productive. Don’t worry, I’m about to burst my own bubble: My house is a total mess. My mother would refer to it as a pig sty. So how on this earth can someone, whose job is to clean the house, have a messy house and claim a productive day? I’ve been asked what a stay-at-home mom does. Out of genuine curiosity, one friend asked if I, like, went to the supermarket and stuff. At that point, I only had one child. And the answer would have been ‘No Way’! (luckily the friend had to run off before I could concoct an answer) How on this earth would I hold the baby in my hand and walk around the supermarket picking up stuff and then somehow lift the grocery bags on the bus? The thought alone gave me cold sweats. Suppose we had a diaper explosion in aisle three?!? I would faint! That was then. I’m a little better at mothering now (I think). But today was productive. I pre...