A Productive Day

Today has been a productive Day! I may be writing this post to boast a little, because, very often, my days do not feel productive. Don’t worry, I’m about to burst my own bubble: My house is a total mess. My mother would refer to it as a pig sty. So how on this earth can someone, whose job is to clean the house, have a messy house and claim a productive day?
I’ve been asked what a stay-at-home mom does. Out of genuine curiosity, one friend asked if I, like, went to the supermarket and stuff. At that point, I only had one child. And the answer would have been ‘No Way’! (luckily the friend had to run off before I could concoct an answer) How on this earth would I hold the baby in my hand and walk around the supermarket picking up stuff and then somehow lift the grocery bags on the bus? The thought alone gave me cold sweats. Suppose we had a diaper explosion in aisle three?!? I would faint! That was then. I’m a little better at mothering now (I think).
But today was productive. I pretended to sleep while Judah bugged me to do a million things. I eventually helped him with some colouring and maze activities before dragging myself to do the pile of dishes so I could make breakfast. I breastfed Ezra when he woke up, but he wasn’t interested in breakfast. Seems he was coming down with something. So I changed his diaper and just lay beside him for a little while doing the letter G with Judah. Ezra fell asleep, then I started a load of laundry (sorting then filling the machine manually because the hose is broken). I didn’t want to do laundry, but Judah ‘encouraged me’ since he wanted to go outside to play. Myblessings. Me and Judah made some homemade purple puff paint and he made a masterpiece blob, then I did the dishes (why is the sink always full?) and I kneaded some bread. Judah was more than happy to help. My boys are both dough boys, like their mama, so I started on the bread in the hope that Ezra will eat something when he wakes up. Somewhere in between I filled the machine again for the rinse cycle, put Judah down to nap then went and hung the clothes on the line. I noticed (smelt) that I hadn’t had a shower all morning, so I put that for next on the agenda.
My back hurts and I am tired. Did I mention that it’s not midday yet?
Now, my bulging stomach suggests that none of those counts as exercise; not the lifting children, nor lifting buckets nor lifting water…my back and my mind disagree but the mirror doesn’t lie.
I come back inside and the house is still a mess. And it frustrates me. I have a few minutes to maybe jump in the shower before Ezra wakes up. When again am I supposed to do anything else other than the normal daily requirements of surviving?
For sure, I’m getting better. Last year this time, there was no way I would have washed the dishes twice in one morning. (There are somehow still things in the sink! – Oh ye, I made a bread)And there is some walking space on the floor. And only one pile of clean clothes on the living room couch (soon to be joined by the load that is on the line drying).
This is a strange job. I don’t like it, and it really doesn’t take a lot of intelligence to know how to sweep, but somehow, I can’t get it done. And the pastor spoke on Sunday about worrying about the future, but I struggle to do that. My future is more cleaning and I can’t even do it!
But, I have to press on, and one day I will be good at my job. I am learning as I go. (Did I mention that I bake my own bread now?)
It has been a productive day and I thank the Lord for that. I mean, I should…I haven’t done that yet. Oops.
If you wonder why I haven’t invited you over yet, it’s likely to save myself and you the embarrassment of trying to find a spot on the couch to sit. (If you can get there).  And no, my pride will not allow me to allow you to help. Cause that would mean that you see my mess. (counterproductive, I know)
So what do I do all day? I kinda clean, and I take care of my boys. Sometimes I even do my hair.


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