
Showing posts from July, 2023

Dear Non-Homeschooler

When someone finds out that I homeschool my children, they usually have lots of questions. Few are curious, most questions show concern for the children's academic wellbeing and (especially) their social life.  I have a few questions for people that don't homeschool their children. In the back of my mind, I think most people just do what is 'normal' and don't actually give these things deep thought. So though this is a bit cheeky, I hope it does make you pause and think about your children and if they are actually receiving the good that you intend for them.  Dear Non-Homeschooler, You send your child to school? Wow! I don't think I could ever have the patience for that! I see a lot of people doing it nowadays though. So how long do you plan to do this for? Even in high school? Oh my.  So, like, what kinds of things do you do to counteract the lack of Godly teaching? Cause that is a lot of ungodliness…not necessarily outright sin, but everything they do, day aft...