Dear Non-Homeschooler

When someone finds out that I homeschool my children, they usually have lots of questions. Few are curious, most questions show concern for the children's academic wellbeing and (especially) their social life. 

I have a few questions for people that don't homeschool their children. In the back of my mind, I think most people just do what is 'normal' and don't actually give these things deep thought. So though this is a bit cheeky, I hope it does make you pause and think about your children and if they are actually receiving the good that you intend for them. 

Dear Non-Homeschooler,

You send your child to school? Wow!

I don't think I could ever have the patience for that! I see a lot of people doing it nowadays though. So how long do you plan to do this for? Even in high school? Oh my. 

So, like, what kinds of things do you do to counteract the lack of Godly teaching? Cause that is a lot of ungodliness…not necessarily outright sin, but everything they do, day after day, week upon week, really years and years of Godless instruction. They are basically taught that God isn't necessary and relevant to their lives by simply not including Him in the daily lessons. I would imagine you would have to do devotions before school, and maybe some apologetics after school each day to attempt a balance.

Imagine learning the beautiful Arts; music or colour blending without being pointed to the Master Designer. Or the order and constancy of Mathematics and Scientific Rules with zero mention of the God of order. Why would anyone need God if we can discuss social sciences, health and family life, His creation, and not have to ask what the Person who made these things had in mind. 

God is not relevant,God is not needed, therefore God must not exist. Over and over, this is what they are fed. Basically, get this education, make money. Serve wealth and your needs.

So how do you counteract this constant subconscious teaching? 

You must be really patient! That school system is just so rigid. I mean, I understand with that many students in one class, you kinda have to just pass on the info, you can't actually meet each student's needs. Some students come hungry, or have so many family issues going on. The teachers do their best, but there is only so much one person can do. I heard from the last audit, 30% of primary school students do meet the goals. Maybe your children will be in the minority. And you know Barbados system is one of the better ones in the region. 

Not to mention the costs of books and uniforms and all the extra add ons. It really is a lot to deal with without even touching on teacher issues, school politics, peer pressure, and on and on. You are amazing to manage all of it. 

Your whole life is pretty much controlled by the school too. The school decides where your child has to be and when and even after school is finished there is still work assigned by the school. Then you still send them to lessons because the school was insufficient to teach what they needed to know. So what were they doing all day? I could not do what you do. Sending your child to school really requires a lot of patience!

What about socialisation? 

Cause they are in the same small room everyday and see the same people that are exactly like them. How will they know to care for the elderly, or younger children. What about persons with special needs? And what about navigating the real world? They spend so much time in that one place from 4 years old to 11 years on one compound then another 5-7years in high school. That is a lot of time being so sheltered. 

And of course, you would know real social skills can't be learnt from peers that are in the same position as you. They are all just confused together.

It would take so much intentionality to make sure they get out there, outside of school, homework and lessons time. Into the real world for true life experiences and making sure to squeeze in some time for family. Family is most important afterall. And God. God is most important. But they are probably so tired from school and school activities. 

Alright, let me let you go and pick up your children from school. So good that they are stopping them from drinking all those sweet drinks. That is not good for them.


You know things are dire, that when the government wants to make a change to the children in a country, they don't attempt to influence the parents, they go through the schools. Because schools control what is happening with our children. School will shape their minds and who they turn out to be. 

So don't just look on us homeschoolers as weird, maybe pause, and understand that we think our children are worth the sacrifice to ensure they are shaped in the ways of the Lord. And understand that what you, non-homeschoolers have to do is different, but it is a much bigger battle than you may imagine. Make the most of the little time that is left over after school has taken up most of their childhood. 

But don't be afraid to step back and do something that may be totally wild and different to what everyone else is doing, for the sake of your child and for the glory of God. 



  1. Wonderful article! I especially like your last point about when the government wants to influence parents they go through the school. Parents do not want the responsibility of taking care of their own children, so much so that, even when they truly do not agree with something being done, because the alternative may be that the child cannot attend school, they crumble under the thought of taking care of their children themselves. I do not want that for my children. And i certainly do not want that for myself!!


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